Water Ion Technologies
The Founders of WIT International, L.L.C. are Robinson B. Gourley, Jr., and Ted Suratt. WIT was launched in November 2008. The following is an introduction of our Founders' credentials and background:

ROBINSON (“Rob”) B. GOURLEY, JR. – Rob is an entrepreneur in the fields of automobile performance, commercial vessel conversion and mechanical design. He received a degree in Mechanical Design from Wentworth Institute in Boston, Massachusetts.
For more than twenty years, Rob was lead shop mechanic on power systems and heavy machinery for Alaska Petroleum Contractors and Mukluk Freight Lines in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska (the Alaskan Pipeline). Additionally, Rob has worked in the water ion technology industry for more than 30 years.
Since the 1990’s, Rob has been the president of a “green” building company, Dana Marine and Construction, Inc. and has worked with Ted Suratt on the Enginewity Technology business that improves automotive performance. He currently lives with his wife, Dana, in Sarasota, Florida.
Dana Gourley is a professional Biologist and Land Use Planner and has assisted Rob in launching the bottled water company, AquaNew,
L.L.C., in November 2007 (a company that involves the use of the SG Gas SG Gas discovered
by Rob Gourley and Ted Suratt).
Rob serves as the Chief Executive Officer for AquaNew, L.L.C. Additionally, Rob is co-inventor with Ted Suratt on the Technology patent applications that support AquaNew, L.L.C. and WIT International, L.L.C. In November of 2008, Rob and Ted Suratt launched WIT International, L.L.C., and Rob serves as its Chief Executive Officer.
Meet Inventor Rob Gourley (PDF 602KB)

TED SURATT – Ted has a diverse background that began in the military in 1958, attending schools given by both the Military and Defense Contractors, he attained military designations as a Demolition Expert, Electronics Technician, Guided Missile Specialist, and was trained in nuclear physics. Ted developed a polymer sealant known as Miracle Shield that was the basis of a multi-million dollar franchise in 1979.
In the early 1980’s, he opened World Chemicals where he developed more than 250 different formulas for industrial customers including decontamination cleaners for DuPont’s Nuclear Plant. Ted also patented several automotive processes and formed a company known as Enginewity Technology that licensed technology to a Fortune 500 corporation. He holds patents on some of these formulas.
Ted currently serves as Chief Science Officer for AquaNew, L.L.C., a premium bottled water company that operates under a license from WIT International, L.L.C. to utilize the technology that was discovered by Rob Gourley and Ted. Ted is co-inventor with Rob Gourley on the Technology patent applications. Ted and Rob Gourley launched WIT International, L.L.C. in November of 2008, and Ted serves as its Chief Science Officer. Ted and his wife, Carol, live in Clearwater, Florida.
Founders and Partners (left to right):
Ted Suratt, Melinda Lagasse, Carol Suratt, Dana and Rob Gourley
Siesta Key Beach, FL.
(Photo taken by Rob Villeto of LeBlanc Studios)
OTHER PARTNERS – The small group of WIT investment partners are engaged in growing the valuation of the business beyond their financial support and they serve as advisors in the diverse professions of financing, accounting, banking, law, marketing, medical, and entrepreneur ventures, including startup of Technology companies.